An awful lot of successful technology companies ended up being in a slightly different market than they started out in.
Microsoft started with programming tools, but came out with an operating system.
Oracle started doing contracts for the CIA .
AOL started out as an online video gaming network.
- Marc Andreessen

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Microsoft Access Support Team (Official)

Sharing frequent topics/issues encountered by the Access support team.

Sharing frequent topics/issues encountered by the Access support team.
  1. Issue: Viewing lists within SharePoint using datasheet view may cause Internet Explorer to crash...
  2. I wanted to let everyone know of a new content page which highlights recent issues for Access. Going...
  3. Issue: Historically when Access encountered a connection issue to an ODBC source, you would have to...
  4. As customers discover the upcoming Access Apps retirement, some of the first questions are:    -...
  5. It was announced this week that Access Services is going to be retired. Details of the...
  6. Issue: When attempting to open an Access 2010 web database within a SharePoint Online environment,...
  7. Issue: After installing the March public update for Office 2010, you may encounter problems with...
  8. Issue: Suppose you choose to export an object from Access to Email. When you preview...
  9. The following example demonstrates how to toggle the enabled property for the edit/delete action bar...
  10. Issue: After installing the November or December public updates for Access 2010 or the Click-to-Run...